Superevent Information |
Superevent ID | S190421ar |
Category | Production |
FAR (Hz) | 1.489e-08 |
FAR (yr-1) | 1 per 2.1285 years |
t0 (GPS time) | 1239917954.41 |
tend (GPS time) | 1239917955.41 |
Links | Data |
Event Information |
Group | CBC |
Pipeline | pycbc |
Search | AllSky |
Instruments | H1,L1 |
FAR (Hz) | 1.489e-08 |
Per-Pipeline Event Information |
UID | Group | Pipeline | Search | gpstime | FAR (Hz) |
Sky Localization | |
GWTC-2 flattened publication skymap file (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples_flattened.fits.gz) GWTC-2 multiorder publication skymap file (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples.multiorder.fits) Flattened from multiresolution file LALInference.fits (LALInference.fits.gz) FITS headers for LALInference.fits (LALInference.html) LALInference localization completed by Hong Qi and Colm Talbot (LALInference.fits) Flattened from multiresolution file bayestar.fits (bayestar.fits.gz) Localization copied from G330308 (bayestar.fits) FITS headers for bayestar.fits (bayestar.html) |
EM Followup | |
New VOEvent (S190421ar-3-Update.xml) Updated source classification based on new reviewed code. (p_astro.json) New VOEvent (S190421ar-2-Initial.xml) New VOEvent (S190421ar-1-Preliminary.xml) |
Parameter Estimation | |
LALInference localization completed by Hong Qi and Colm Talbot (LALInference.fits) |
No. | |
Submitter | Comment |
1456 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | GWOSC link for event GW190421_213856 lvem public | |
1446 | Deep Chatterjee | GWTC-2 skymap volume rendering (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
1444 | Deep Chatterjee | GWTC-2 skymap png (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
1442 | Deep Chatterjee | GWTC-2 flattened publication skymap file (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples_flattened.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
1440 | Deep Chatterjee | GWTC-2 multiorder publication skymap file (GW190421_213856_PublicationSamples.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
408 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S190421ar-3-Update.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received | |
396 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from p_astro.json (p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
394 | Leo Singer | Updated source classification based on new reviewed code. (p_astro.json) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
390 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flattened from multiresolution file LALInference.fits (LALInference.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
386 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of LALInference.fits (LALInference.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
382 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of LALInference.fits (LALInference.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
378 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for LALInference.fits (LALInference.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
371 | Leo Singer | LALInference localization completed by Hong Qi and Colm Talbot (LALInference.fits) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
342 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S190421ar-2-Initial.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received | |
296 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of bayestar.fits (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
292 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S190421ar-1-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received | |
287 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from p_astro.json (p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
279 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification copied from G330308 (p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro | |
277 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G330308 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright | |
272 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flattened from multiresolution file bayestar.fits (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
268 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of bayestar.fits (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
264 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Localization copied from G330308 (bayestar.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
260 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for bayestar.fits (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
52 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G330298 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright |
GWTC-2 skymap volume rendering