Superevent Information |
Superevent ID | S231224e |
Category | Production |
FAR (Hz) | 1.528e-09 |
FAR (yr-1) | 1 per 20.739 years |
t0 (GPS time) | 1387421019.97 |
tend (GPS time) | 1387421020.98 |
Links | Data |
Event Information |
Group | CBC |
Pipeline | MBTA |
Search | AllSky |
Instruments | H1,L1 |
FAR (Hz) | 1.528e-09 |
Per-Pipeline Event Information |
UID | Group | Pipeline | Search | gpstime | FAR (Hz) |
G460594 | CBC | gstlal | AllSky | 1387421019.974 | 7.456e-26 |
G460593 | CBC | MBTA | AllSky | 1387421019.970 | 1.528e-09 |
G460592 | CBC | pycbc | AllSky | 1387421019.977 | 3.168e-10 |
Sky Localization | |
Flat-resolution fits file created from Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.fits.gz) FITS headers for Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.html) Multiresolution fits file generated from "production-mode Bilby posterior samples Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5" (Bilby.multiorder.fits) Flat-resolution fits file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz) FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html) Localization copied from G460593 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) Flat-resolution fits file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz) FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html) Localization copied from G460590 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) |
EM Followup | |
GWSkyNet annotation from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0. GWSkyNet score: 0.999, GWSkyNet FAP: 0.062, GWSkyNet FNP: 0.38. (gwskynet.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-update.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-update.avro) New VOEvent (S231224e-4-Update.xml) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-initial.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-initial.avro) New VOEvent (S231224e-3-Initial.xml) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.avro) New VOEvent (S231224e-2-Preliminary.xml) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.avro) New VOEvent (S231224e-1-Preliminary.xml) |
Parameter Estimation | |
Flat-resolution fits file created from Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.fits.gz) FITS headers for Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.html) Multiresolution fits file generated from "production-mode Bilby posterior samples Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5" (Bilby.multiorder.fits) em-bright computed from "production-mode Bilby posterior samples Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5" (Bilby.em_bright.json) RapidPE-RIFT Pastro results (RapidPE_RIFT.p_astro.json) |
No. | |
Submitter | Comment |
339 | GWSkyNet | GWSkyNet annotation from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0. GWSkyNet score: 0.999, GWSkyNet FAP: 0.062, GWSkyNet FNP: 0.38. (gwskynet.json) em_follow lvem public | |
271 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-update.json) em_follow lvem public | |
267 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-update.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
263 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S231224e-4-Update.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
242 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.volume.png) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
239 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flat-resolution fits file created from Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.fits.gz) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
236 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.png) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
233 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for Bilby.multiorder.fits (Bilby.html) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
230 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Multiresolution fits file generated from "production-mode Bilby posterior samples Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5" (Bilby.multiorder.fits) sky_loc pe lvem public | |
228 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | em-bright computed from "production-mode Bilby posterior samples Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5" (Bilby.em_bright.json) pe lvem public | |
217 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | RapidPE-RIFT Pastro results (RapidPE_RIFT.p_astro.json) pe lvem public p_astro | |
200 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-initial.json) em_follow lvem public | |
199 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-initial.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
195 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S231224e-3-Initial.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
180 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
172 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
164 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public | |
163 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
156 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S231224e-2-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
152 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flat-resolution fits file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
146 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
141 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from mbta.p_astro.json (mbta.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
136 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright | |
132 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Localization copied from G460593 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
128 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification copied from G460593 (mbta.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro | |
124 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G460593 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright | |
102 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
87 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public | |
82 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S231224e-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
80 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
75 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S231224e-1-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
71 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flat-resolution fits file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
64 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
59 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright | |
54 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from gstlal.p_astro.json (gstlal.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
48 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Localization copied from G460590 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
44 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G460590 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright | |
39 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification copied from G460590 (gstlal.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro |
Volume rendering of Bilby.multiorder.fits