
Superevent Information

Superevent ID S240721w
Category Production
FAR (Hz) 7.550e-07
FAR (yr-1) 23.827 per year
t0 1405603601.17
tend 1405603602.17
Links Data

Event Information

Group CBC
Pipeline gstlal
Search AllSky
Instruments L1,V1
FAR (Hz) 7.550e-07

Per-Pipeline Event Information

UID Group Pipeline Search gpstime FAR (Hz)
G501902 CBC gstlal AllSky 1405603601.173 7.550e-07

Log Messages

Use buttons to expand/collapse log sections.

Sky Localization

Log Image

Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:50 UTC
Log Image

Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:45 UTC
Log Image

Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:07 UTC
Log Image

Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:06 UTC
Log Comment

Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:44 UTC
Log Comment

FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:44 UTC
Log Comment

Localization copied from G501902 (bayestar.multiorder.fits)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:43 UTC
Log Comment

Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:05 UTC
Log Comment

FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:05 UTC
Log Comment

Localization copied from G501894 (bayestar.multiorder.fits)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:04 UTC

EM Followup

Log Image

Source properties visualization from em_bright.json
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:43 UTC
Log Image

Source properties visualization from em_bright.json
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:04 UTC
Log Image

Source classification visualization from gstlal.p_astro.json
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:43 UTC
Log Image

Source classification visualization from gstlal.p_astro.json
Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:04 UTC
Log Comment

Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.gcn.nasa.gov/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.json)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:47 UTC
Log Comment

Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.scimma.org/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.avro)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:47 UTC
Log Comment

New VOEvent (S240721w-2-Preliminary.xml)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:31:46 UTC
Log Comment

Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.gcn.nasa.gov/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.json)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:09 UTC
Log Comment

Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.scimma.org/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.avro)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:08 UTC
Log Comment

New VOEvent (S240721w-1-Preliminary.xml)

Submitted by LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up on July 21, 2024 13:27:07 UTC

Full Event Log

No. Submitter Comment
159 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public
151 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.gcn.nasa.gov/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public
150 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.scimma.org/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public
146 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up New VOEvent (S240721w-2-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok
142 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public
138 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public
132 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public
127 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright
122 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source classification visualization from gstlal.p_astro.json (gstlal.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro
118 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Localization copied from G501902 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public
112 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source properties copied from G501902 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright
110 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source classification copied from G501902 (gstlal.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro
94 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.gcn.nasa.gov/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public
90 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Kafka alert notice sent to kafka://kafka.scimma.org/igwn.gwalert (S240721w-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public
83 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public
81 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up New VOEvent (S240721w-1-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok
77 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public
72 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public
67 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public
53 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source classification visualization from gstlal.p_astro.json (gstlal.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro
52 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright
51 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Localization copied from G501894 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public
45 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source classification copied from G501894 (gstlal.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro
41 LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up Source properties copied from G501894 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright