Superevent Information |
Superevent ID | S250108ha |
Category | Production |
FAR (Hz) | 1.312e-04 |
FAR (yr-1) | 4140.3 per year |
t0 (GPS time) | 1420403447.32 |
tend (GPS time) | 1420403448.32 |
Links | Data |
Event Information |
Group | CBC |
Pipeline | pycbc |
Search | AllSky |
Instruments | H1,L1,V1 |
FAR (Hz) | 1.312e-04 |
Per-Pipeline Event Information |
UID | Group | Pipeline | Search | gpstime | FAR (Hz) |
G543042 | CBC | pycbc | AllSky | 1420403447.319 | 1.312e-04 |
Analyst Comments | |
Sky Localization | |
Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz) FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html) Localization copied from G543042 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz) Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html) Localization copied from G543042 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) |
External Coincidence | |
Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) |
EM Followup | |
Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-retraction.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-retraction.avro) New VOEvent (S250108ha-3-Retraction.xml) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.avro) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.json) New VOEvent (S250108ha-2-Preliminary.xml) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.json) Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.avro) New VOEvent (S250108ha-1-Preliminary.xml) |
No. | |
Submitter | Comment |
318 | Peter Shawhan | This low-significance GW trigger was reported because the RAVEN pipeline found that it was coincident in time with Fermi/GBM trigger 758061038/250108855. However, that Fermi/GBM trigger ultimately was classified as a non-GRB (, The GW trigger is not significant on its own, so a retraction Circular was issued ( |
274 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-retraction.json) em_follow lvem public | |
268 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-retraction.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
266 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S250108ha-3-Retraction.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
257 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
250 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
245 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public | |
241 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S250108ha-2-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
231 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
224 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) sky_loc ext_coinc lvem public | |
222 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
215 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of combined-ext.multiorder.fits,1, copied from E543040 (combined-ext.png) sky_loc ext_coinc lvem public | |
209 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,1 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
201 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from pycbc.p_astro.json (pycbc.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
199 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright | |
195 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Localization copied from G543042 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
188 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification copied from G543042 (pycbc.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro | |
187 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G543042 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright | |
175 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Volume rendering of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.volume.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
162 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.json) em_follow lvem public | |
161 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Kafka alert notice sent to kafka:// (S250108ha-preliminary.avro) em_follow lvem public | |
142 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | New VOEvent (S250108ha-1-Preliminary.xml) em_follow lvem public gcn_received gcn_email_notok | |
141 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Flat-resolution FITS file created from bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.fits.gz) sky_loc lvem public | |
135 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Combined LVK-external sky map copied from E543040 (combined-ext.multiorder.fits) sky_loc ext_coinc lvem public | |
129 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of combined-ext.multiorder.fits,0, copied from E543040 (combined-ext.png) sky_loc ext_coinc lvem public | |
125 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Mollweide projection of bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.png) sky_loc lvem public | |
121 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | FITS headers for bayestar.multiorder.fits,0 (bayestar.html) sky_loc lvem public | |
109 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification visualization from pycbc.p_astro.json (pycbc.p_astro.png) em_follow lvem public p_astro | |
106 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties visualization from em_bright.json (em_bright.png) em_follow lvem public em_bright | |
104 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Localization copied from G543042 (bayestar.multiorder.fits) sky_loc lvem public | |
96 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source properties copied from G543042 (em_bright.json) lvem public em_bright | |
94 | LIGO/Virgo EM Follow-Up | Source classification copied from G543042 (pycbc.p_astro.json) lvem public p_astro |
This low-significance GW trigger was reported because the RAVEN pipeline found that it was coincident in time with Fermi/GBM trigger 758061038/250108855. However, that Fermi/GBM trigger ultimately was classified as a non-GRB (, The GW trigger is not significant on its own, so a retraction Circular was issued (